I have...

Any Game with an ~$39,99 price tag or less
20 CS:GO/Dota 2/ TF2 Keys

I want...

Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward, Steam version

Please Read the description
-Before trading please make sure you reside in one of the following countries*:

Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Bahamas, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname, Brazil, Mexico.

*Those games are restricted to Central and South America, and cannot be redeemed from other countries.

Those games are currently under the 30-days Rule of Steam and are not available to trade through the normal trade tool, so we'll have to do it through "Send Gift".
If you accept the rules and are willingly to trade, Add me so we can talk.

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.