a big note this is not the profile i use for trading add me here when we done dealhttp://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198006687582

lleft four dead 2 (x3) [15 bucks]
red orchestra 2 goty per copy (x2)[12 bucks]
borderland goty (x3) [ 20 bucks]
la noire [10 bucks]
red orchestra 2 ( x3 guest passes ) [3 bucks all ]
men of war assault squad complete pack goty [ 25 bucks]
men of war vietnam [18 bucks]
lead and gold [6 bucks]
alien vs predator [10 bucks]
max payne 1 [5 bucks]
max payne 2 [5 bucks]
torchlight [ 8 bucks]
revelation 2012 [ 7 bucks]

1 decade ago*


1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.