Hello there i just wanted to keep the community safe by reporting a scammer. We Just agreed to trade on steam,as i contacted him on facebook(there was a group where we trade).So the trade was i had Enclave and Interstellar Marines.He agreed to give GTA IV:Complete Edition Key.I was Suspicious but i did let it go because i knew him on facebook so there was no risk of spamming.(Since i had a key i thought to invite him to trade..in the chat box he will give me key then i will give him the gifts but this was not possible since he had SteamGuard Off)So he didn't agree going first.After a lot of discussion and talking i gave him a idea that i would give him first gift,and then he will hand over the key and then the last gift.He agreed...and i sent him the gift as soon as it was possible(Interstellar Marines)..after 2 minutes i asked my steam key.He Said the gift has not arrived.I saw my inventory and i had already sent him the key.I asked for the key but before i could type he went offline and didn't appear again.After sometime he wasn't in my friend List.I was very but not too much since i had won the game in a GiveAway.All i wanted to do was inform you guys to stay away from him.
His Steam Name:
His SteamId:

You may see his games he has Interstellar Marines in his games
Check http://steamcommunity.com/id/Ok9/games

Please Help Me....

What Is Impersonaters?

1 decade ago*

This was already a trade too good to be trade from the start anyway. Your Interstellar Marines is gone.

As for what impersonators are = someone who falsely claims to be someone else, but they're not, and do this by copying as much as they can from the person they want to copy, down to the Steam nickname and profile picture.

1 decade ago

Never trust low rep and low levels :)

1 decade ago

Jason Bourne? really? that would ring alarm bells straight away

1 decade ago

give him negative rep and write your story there?

1 decade ago

Hmm Frankyboy hes not on steamtrades.com and we cannot give negative rep on steam group but yes i have informed everyone there about him and i thought maybe in the future he may join this website....so we all may be warned

1 decade ago

oooppps... now i got your point... sorry for bothering

1 decade ago

Closed 6 years ago.