
Intrusion 2 - 4 refs
Legendary - 4 refs
Takedown: Red Sabre - 2 refs

Humble Bundle Gifts

A New Beginning - Final Cut - 2 refs
Aura: Fate of the Ages - 2 refs
Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians - 4 refs
Broken Sword 2 - 1 ref
Deponia - 4 refs
Dwarfs!? - 2 refs
Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes - 2 refs
Euro Truck Simulator - 2 refs
Faerie Solitaire - 3 refs
FEZ - 4 refs
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams - 2 refs
Knights of Pen & Paper +1 Edition - 5 refs
Lume - 2 refs
Offspring Fling - 2 refs
Papo & Yo - 2 refs
Ravensword: Shadowlands - 1 ref
Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball Claimable Download Page (1 Steam key + 1 gift link) - Cards
Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball (gift link) - Cards
Sid Meier’s Ace Patrol - 2 refs
Sid Meier’s Ace Patrol: Pacific Skies - 2 refs
Solar 2 - 2 refs
The Bard's Tale - 2 refs
The Shivah - 4 refs
Trainz Simulator 12 - 2 refs
Zeno Clash - 2 refs

Steam Keys

1953 - KGB Unleashed - 1 ref
3089 - Futuristic Action RPG FPS - 4 refs
A Valley Without wind 1 and 2 - 2 refs
Adventures of Shuggy - 3 refs
Aerena - Clash of Champions - 3 refs
AI War Collection - 3 refs
AirBuccaneers - 2 refs
Alien Hallway - 1 ref
Alien Shooter 2: Reloaded - 1 ref
Angelica Weaver: Catch Me When You Can - 3 refs
Angvik - 4 refs
Anodyne - 3 refs
Anomaly Korea - 3 refs
Arcane Worlds - 3 refs
Avencast: Rise of the Mage - Cards
Aztaka - 2 refs
Bad Bots - 3 refs
Bang Bang Racing - 4 refs
Beast Boxing Turbo - 2 refs
Bionic Dues - 3 refs
BlackSoul: Extended Edition - 4 refs
Blades of Time Limited Edition - 1 TF2 key
Bridge It (Plus) - 4 refs
Chainz 2: Relinked - 1 ref
Cognition Episode 1: The Hangman - 1 ref
Data Jammers: FastForward - 2 refs
Dawn of Fantasy: Kingdom Wars - 3 refs
Dead Hungry Diner - 3 refs
Diehard Dungeon - 4 refs
Disciples III: Resurrection - 4 refs
Doc Clock: The Toasted Sandwich of Time - 1 ref
Dogfight 1942 - 4 refs
Driftmoon - 2 refs
Dungeons Steam Special Edition - 4 refs
Dynamite Jack - 2 refs
Dysfunctional Systems: Learning to Manage Chaos - 3 refs
Eryi's Action - 3 refs
Face Noir - 3 refs
Fairy Bloom Freesia - 3 refs
Fester Mudd: Curse of the Gold - Episode 1 - 2 refs
Fortix 2 - 2 refs
Fractal - 2 refs
Garshasp: Temple of the Dragon - 2 refs
Gateways - 4 refs
Gish - 3 refs
Glowfish - 3 refs
Gravi - 2 refs
Gravity Badgers - 3 refs
Greed Corp - 2 refs
Gun Monkeys - 4 refs
Guns of Icarus Online - Collector's Edition - 2 refs
Hacker Evolution Duality, Hardcore Package 1, Inception Part 1 to 3 - 2 refs
Hero of the Kingdom - 3 refs
Holy Avatar vs. Maidens of the Dead - 3 refs
Huntsman: The Orphanage - Halloween Edition - 2 refs
Hydrophobia Prophecy - 2 refs
Iesabel - 4 refs
IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946 - 2 refs
Kairo - 3 refs
Kaptain Brawe: A Brawe New World - 4 refs
Knytt Underground - 3 refs
Krater - 3 refs
Legends of Aethereus - 4 refs
Little Farm - 1 ref
Little Racers STREET - 3 refs
Lucius - 3 refs
Luxor Evolved - 3 refs
Luxor Mahjong - 1 ref
Magicka: Wizard Wars - Cards
Megabyte Punch - 3 refs
Men of War: Condemned Heroes - 2 refs
Men of War: Red Tide - 2 refs
Mini Motor Racing EVO - 3 refs
NecrovisioN - 2 refs
NecrovisioN: Lost Company - 2 refs
Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart - 2 refs
Not The Robots - 3 refs
Off-Road Drive - 4 refs
Oknytt - 2 refs
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising - 2 refs
Operation Flashpoint: Red River - 2 refs
Overlord and Overlord Raising Hell - 2 refs
Pacific Storm Allies - 4 refs
PixelJunk Shooter - 2 refs
Postmortem: One Must Die - Extended Cut - 2 refs
Primal Fears - 3 refs
Puzzle Kingdoms - 4 refs
RACE Injection - 2 refs
Razor2: Hidden Skies - 3 refs
Red Faction: Armageddon Path to War DLC - 2 refs
Reign: Conflict of Nations - 2 refs
Ring Runner: Flight of the Sages - 4 refs
Rock of Ages - 4 refs
Rush Bros. - 2 refs
Saira - 2 refs
Saturday Morning RPG - 2 refs
Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter - 2 refs
Shattered Haven - 2 refs
Sideway New York - 4 refs
Sine Mora - 4 refs
SkyDrift - 4 refs
Skyward Collapse - 3 refs
Snuggle Truck - Cards
Sparkle 2 Evo - 4 refs
Splice - 2 refs
Star Wolves 3: Civil War - 3 refs
Super Sanctum TD - Cards
Supreme Commander - 2 refs
Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance - 2 refs
Survivor Squad - 3 refs
Tales of Maj'Eyal - 3 refs
The 39 Steps - 2 refs
The Journey Down: Chapter 1 - 2 refs
Thunder Wolves - 3 refs
Time Gentlemen Please - Ben There, Dan That - 2 refs
Tropico 3 Gold - 4 refs
Two Worlds II - 2 refs
Unmechanical - 2 refs
Velvet Assassin - 2 refs
Vox - 4 refs
XIII Century - Gold Edition - 2 refs
Zafehouse: Diaries - 4 refs
Zombie Bowl-o-Rama - 2 refs


TF2 keys, refined metals

  • Creeper World 3: Arc Eternal
  • Explodemon
  • Ku: Shroud of the Morrigan
  • Sid Meier's Pirates!
  • Offers

Trading full bundles here.

1 decade ago*

Maybe you want one of these games for your Krunch and/or Gateways?

1 decade ago

No, sorry. I have the ones the interest me from your list.

1 decade ago

Added. Reserve these for me:

Little Farm - 1 ref
Lightfish - 3 refs
KRUNCH - 1 key
Hacker Evolution - 1 ref
Hacker Evolution: Untold - 1 ref
Gunman Clive - 2 refs

Total: 1 key + 8 refs

1 decade ago


Edit: Thanks for the trade.

1 decade ago

Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball for 12 cards random?

1 decade ago

Yet Another Zombie Defense for 5 cards or shufflepuck cantina deluxe (steam key) ?

1 decade ago

3 Expeditions: Conquistador and 2 Kairo Cards?

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

Anything here for Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball? If not, what value of cards would you want for it?

1 decade ago

One Finger Death Punch, Last Knight, Oniken or cards for 3089?

1 decade ago

how many cards for tropico 3?

1 decade ago

Sorry. I only take cards for the ones listed with " - Cards".

1 decade ago

2 ToD ticket for Pressure + Alien zombie Megadeath (or simply 1 TF2 key)?

1 decade ago

Either the 2 tickets or 1 key is fine by me.

1 decade ago

Thanks for trade ;)

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.