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1 decade ago*

Killing floor (ROW) (Gift) for 2 TF2 Keys?

1 decade ago

no thanks, that's way too far from cheap. I'm mainly looking for the humble bundle with 13 DLC, not overpaying for the gift :|

1 decade ago

the bundle was ages ago, the price increases, like the games from winter sale, they are not going to be the same prize after months of the sale

1 decade ago

Does it, captain obvious? I had no clue... I hate being a dick but since you're not here to offer me anything or to contribute at all, I have to be. If I wanted killing floor gift I could have bought it myself on steam for less then a key during the many times it goes in promotion. I have also seen YESTERDAY, more then one person asking a key for a copy (with the 13 DLC) from humble bundle.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.