I have...

[GONE] Celebrat10n TrackMania Complete Pack - 7 CSGO / 8 TF2 !!!!
Resident Evil 6 - 4 CSGO / 5 TF2
[GONE] Darksiders Franchise Pack - 3 CSGO / 4 TF2
Thief - 4 CSGO / 5 TF2
Metro Last Light Complete - 4 CSGO /5 TF2
Kinetic Void - 4 CSGO / 5 TF2

I want...


Add me / reply or whatever if you are interested.

9 years ago*

Can you make me a favor and not trade the Darksiders Franchise Pack? I will have 3 CSGO Keys in 2 weeks and I will be able to trade with you for the pack.

9 years ago

Okay. 2 weeks is fine.

9 years ago

I can offer you game(s) from my following threads/deals:
Choose 3 games from here, for one of yours: http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/QoKH3/choose-3-games-and-offer-1-game-to-me
Choose a steam gift here: http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/15rHN/h-castle-crashers-trine-2-complete-story-dino-d-day-space-farmers-and-gunmonkeys-w-offers
Choose a steam key here: http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/p8VNS/h-mount-and-blade-air-guardians-and-much-more-keys-w-games-offers

Choose something you like or something you want to re-trade, it's up to you!
If you can't find anything good than i'm able to pay with cards, and eventually backgrounds & emoticons but that all depends on my interest in your games :)

9 years ago

trackmania for 7 csgo key ? Trade offer

8 years ago

Do you still have Trackmania 2 Celebrat10n

8 years ago

[h] A Fistful of Gun (not a bundle game) & other games here: http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/QgXFe/h-games-w-games [w] Kinetic Void

8 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.