• PAYDAY 2 (Gift) - 3 keys / Offers

  • XCOM Enemy Unknown (GMG key) - 2 keys / Offers

  • Red Faction Armageddon (HB) - 1 key / Offers

  • The Bridge (HB) - 1 key / Offers

  • Orion Prelude (Steam gift) - 1 TOD / Offers

  • DI Epidemic (Steam gift) - 3 cards

  • Coupons - 1 card

Trade Link for quick exchange in coupons and DIE.

Post here if you have any offer for me. If I'm interested, I'll add you on Steam and we can discuss about it. Of course, I can go first if you have a significantly higher rep than me.

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.