I have...

Any game with 25% discount

I want...

Payment via Paypal or Skrill

I will buy any game off the US Steam Store and gift it to you for 75% of it's price via Paypal or Skrill. (Cashing out Steam wallet)
This includes games that are already discounted or on a special sale.
I will go first if I am satisfied with your rep and Steam profile, otherwise payment first.

8 years ago*

1 sec you think you can buy game what have example -75% and you add another 25% from discount price? (example game cost 3,74$ for sale and you give another -25% ? ) :)

8 years ago

Yes, if a game costs 3.74 because it's on a sale, my price would be 2.8.

8 years ago

ok im will save your thread maybe 2 days later we can make some deals :)

8 years ago

I will probably spend it by that time :P
Already spent most of it.

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.