I have...


I want...

Battlefield 1 Ultimate Edition

See above. 130€ on Origin is a ridiculous price for a bunch of useless skins and battlepacks.
Since Premium can't be bought seperately they leave you with no choice though.

Should someone make me a decent offer I'll jump at it.

Been around steamgifts for ~3 years with the occasional trades here and there.
My paypal is verified, should your rep be substantially higher than mine I have no trouble going first either.

If you happen to be interested please comment here and add me on steam to discuss the details of the trade.

EDIT: Don't bother with the shady shit http://imgur.com/a/h9RNW

EDIT 2: Scammers, impersonators... does anyone actually legit sell this game? http://puu.sh/rRQfe/80ca649feb.png

7 years ago*

You will be able to buy season pass for it, so no need to get Ultimate as of now just get base game and wait and see, there will be lots of deals and discounts for season pass later, if its worth it in the first place, same as BF3, BF4, SWBF etc... most of extra content they gave it away free or not worth at all...

7 years ago

thanks for the info man, appreciate it :D

7 years ago

i can get it for you for cheaper price than 130€, you can add me for further discussions, btw your profile is private!?

7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago.