I have an extra copy of Shank 2 (great 2D side-scrolling beat-em-up) if anybody is interested in trading something for it. I don't have anything in particular in mind that I am looking for in return, so I am mostly open to suggestions. I will say that depending on the game in question, I am not against trading Shank 2 for something that is worth a lesser (or greater ;) ) value on Steam. If I do not respond to the forum post in a timely manner, feel free to email me ( brettwilson85@gmail.com ) Thanks!

1 decade ago*

Is it a key or tradable?

1 decade ago

I realize that since I just created an account today, and therefore have no reputation in even the slightest manner, I would most likely be willing to trade the key in a way that allows the person trading with me to give me the benefit of a doubt, by giving them the key first (depending on their reputation, etc). Given your reputation, I would definitely be willing to give you the key first, assuming you have something I would be interested in.

1 decade ago

Closed 6 years ago.