9 years ago*


9 years ago

i see that you have something , may i ask what do you have?

9 years ago

Personally, I think this thread's title is an existentialist cry for help, an urgent metaphor for the zero-sum depravity inherent to trading.

9 years ago

Really, do any of us truly [have] anything? I, for one, will pause to reflect on this. Thank you, artist.

9 years ago

Yes, I truly [have]:
Gun Monkeys [gift]
The ability to obtain several different games. If anybody's interested, add me. ^^

9 years ago

No, no you have this all wrong it is clear that this individual is making a stand against this exploitative and corrupt system of economy by defying topical conventions. For who is profiting from the sweat of the worker but the bourgeoisie. We who toil must rise to the occasion and take back the means of protection, then we the working class may truly reap the benefits of our work, no longer beneath the heel of those who see us as another cog in a machine

View attached image.
9 years ago


8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.