I have...

Nosgoth Veteran Pack
(- An Exclusive Veteran Founders Badge
to show off your status as an Early
Access player.
30-Day MAJOR Booster giving you +50%
1,500 GOLD to get you started.)

I want...

It has to be tradable items for this.DLC or a very decent title, or several decent smaller ones. We'll talk.

Nosgoth looks awesome. It probably plays awesome - if you are prepared to pay a billion dollars.

Officially, it's "free to play", but basic DLC that costs £25/£40 JUST TO MAKE THE GAME PLAYABLE means some players are pissed. Really pissed.

Originally, it was supposed to be a normal, though awesome, RPG, where you bought the base game cheap and then additional DLC if you wanted it. And then Square Enix changed everything and you now have to be a millionaire to play.
Except, pre-launch, you could get keys for decent DLC for A REASONABLE AMOUNT OF MONEY.
That is what this is - you can't buy it now. Instead of paying £25/$40 like everyone else who isn't grinding in the mud It singles you out as one of the original players, gives you a ton of gold and if you grind like crazy for a month you won't have to pay Square Enix any more money if you don't want to. It's a cheaper and more fun of, you know, playing the game.
we trade at
have a good weekend

9 years ago*

Closed 9 years ago.