I have TF2 keys and am after the various humble bundles, I would prefer gift url or at least an unclaimed page.
I would prefer if you offer here before adding me.

The list of bundles I already have is below, I am NOT INTERESTED in those ones unless your willing to sell them cheap.

Humble Bundle with Android 6

Humble Deep Silver Bundle

Humble Double Fine Bundle

Humble Indie Bundle 4

Humble Indie Bundle 6

Humble Indie Bundle 8

Humble Indie Bundle 9

Humble Indie Bundle V

Humble Origin Bundle

Humble THQ Bundle

Humble Weekly Sale: Arcen Games

Humble Weekly Sale: Hosted by PewDiePie

Humble Weekly Sale: Paradox Interactive

Humble Weekly Sale: Retro Shooters

Humble Weekly Sale: Serious Sam

Humble Weekly Sale: Telltale Games

1 decade ago*

Out of those the ones I don't have or would be interested in are: HIB 2, HIB 7, HIB 8, HIB Voxatron Debut, HIB Frozenbyte, HIB Frozen Synapse, HIB Introversion, HIB Android 4 and HIB Android 5. Your thread says though that you won't discuss prices on it.

1 decade ago

Yes, I prefer to keep it clean as possible, and do not sell cheap - this is the main reasons. You can write your offer in this thread or add me on steam and make offer for each bundle, for me there is no difference. If it is good enough we will make a deal.

PS. I thought ... we're talking yesterday and did not find a compromise, sorry.

1 decade ago

Humble bundle android 7 bta gift url - 2 tf2 key

Humble bundle hothead bta keys - 1 tf2 key

Humble bundle Focus bta keys - 2 tf2 key

Humble bundle Cipher prime bta gift url - 1 tf2 key are u interesting ?

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.