I have...

Whole TF2 Inventory (or Backpack) that's worth about 10-11 TF2 keys (which is about 20€).

I want...

Rainbow Six Siege Steam Gift (GLOBAL).

If I'm not able to trade all the items at once, or if you want only keys and metal, I can exchange my items somewhere and pay in pure keys and metal.

I am only looking for Rainbow Six Siege on Steam (AND GLOBAL), not UPlay, so please don't post offers about Rainbow Six Siege on UPlay.

Feel free to add me on Steam if you have any questions: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198126105202

(I'm mostly online between 11AM and 7PM CEST Time. If you don't see me online before or after that time, feel free to send me a trade offer and I'll do my best to accept it as fast as I can: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=165839474&token=kyzpuAa6 )

4 years ago*

Closed 4 years ago.