I have...

Don't Starve Together, Dungeon Defenders, Left 4 Dead 2, Natural Selection 2, Rise of Nations: Extended Edition

I want...


I picked up a bunch of games with the intent to give them to friends who had an interest in playing with me, many games were given but I have been left with these, I am happy to trade multiple of my games listed for a single copy of Astroneer. Thank you!

EDIT Was sent a steam message by a user going by the name of Teppic, and fraudulently impersonating the real Teppic here, his steam64 is: https://www.steamtrades.com/user/76561197960547556 For anyone reading this please be careful and be aware of this scammer

7 years ago*

Is that the only game you're after? If not, here's a list of games up for trade (most of them), I'm interested in Don't starve, Left 4 Dead, and Rise of Nations:

7 years ago

Sorry, none of the games listed pop out at me or interest me at the moment. Thanks for the reply though and have a great day!

7 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.