I got steam keys for both games and I'm looking for any offers.

I won't go first in the trade, or we can use a middleman.

1 decade ago*

It's usually customary for people with less rep to trade first, so unless you trade with someone else who has 0, I don't think anyone would be willing to go first.

1 decade ago

I am aware of this, since I've been trading for about a year now. It's just that I've been scammed once, and there has been so many attemps of scam, that It's hard to find reliable traders anymore.

1 decade ago

You have a total of O REP, and you are asking for other traders to have high REP. So why should others believe a person like you who has 0 REP, when you yourself don't believe person having O REP?

1 decade ago

Im not asking for anyone to do this trade if they don't want to. Yes, I am new to this site, but I got rep comments on my steam account and my steamrep is clean, but if the only rep that matters here is what this site gives, then by all means just ignore me and this thread.

1 decade ago


Always check that site before you make a trade. I've never been scammed because I always do a tiny bit of research before making a trade. I'm not trying to bust your balls or anything, but if you are careful you should do just fine.

1 decade ago

I am aware of what im doing and steamrep is a very good site to give you info about traders. Ty for the heads up anyway.

1 decade ago

And in 1 year u have 0 rep :) Quite strange actually

1 decade ago

Let me quote myself: "I am new to this site"
I have been trading, using the actual steam trading forums, for a year, as I said.

1 decade ago

l4d2 for xcom?

1 decade ago

Ty for the offer, but allready have L4D2

1 decade ago

sonic all star racing then or something else u are interested in~

1 decade ago

so, are you offering wallet, or do you have inventory?

1 decade ago

Indie Gala June (15 games) for Xcom?

1 decade ago

Ty for the offer, but no interested.

1 decade ago

5Dota Keys For NBA 2K13?

1 decade ago

I could do it for mb 7, but 5 is too low. Ty for the offer anyway.

1 decade ago

i already bought 2 copies for 5keys..
6 maximun!

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.