I have...

I have an Overwatch code

I want...

I want steam gifts for good games such as Elder scrolls

I will not go first

8 years ago

+0/-1 you go first

8 years ago

You can check that -1. That guy scammed me and gave me a -rep for reporting him. Look at the "evidence" he posted. He screwed up. I do not have the games that are displayed on profile. He basically posted his own profile as proof

8 years ago*

and what about the +0 ? I'm willing if you go first. How can you expect one to go first when you have no rep ? :\

8 years ago

Ok. Well it is fine. We do not need to trade then

8 years ago

I think if someone have more rep than u, he wont go first... here is reputation for this reason, esp with +0/-1, just friendly advice.
Or u want from 100/200/300 rep guys to go first? I think u cant complete trade. :)

8 years ago

Yeah but it is a key and I have been scammed of them before, look. I am not going first and my rep is 0/0. If you check the -rep you can see he lied because the screenshots are his profile. I do not own those games or items and the id is his too. But the staff are not even reading my support ticket

8 years ago

Its not about 1x -1 just 0/0 so u have go first with no exception. For example me.. i have 317.. u think i have to go first? This site is on rep basis. (this is why we heve rep system here) :)

8 years ago

I lied !? Are you retarded ?
You got scammed by an impersonator. And you don't even have proof.
Dude, seriously, grow up...And pay attention to the people that you are trading with.
I have never scammed anyone, and the profile that I posted is not mine, it's the scammer's profile...

View attached image.
8 years ago*


8 years ago

Added you to discuss.

8 years ago

anthing from here?

8 years ago

add me i habve 60 usd on steam wallet

8 years ago

Only if you go first. I am not going first

8 years ago

I am interested in Watchdogs.

7 years ago

Watch Dogs for Overwatch and don't go first?

Be careful Rodrigo.

7 years ago

First of all I'm not going first. Second of all look through my -rep carefully. You can tell the image is not actually an impersonator by URL and games and all. It would be gone if the support crew actually read the tickets posted. I complained 1 month ago and they still haven't even looked at it.

7 years ago

I don't mind your -1. I mind your 0 positive reputation.

Here we work this way: The user with less reputation goes first. If they both have the same positive reputation, then the user with more negative reputation goes first. Is not about you, is just common sense.

Looking at your 0 positive reputation (noone trust you) and also your methodologies, then... you are not a trusted user. First build some reputation with high rep users (so you are sure that you don't get scammed) if you want others to go first.

EDIT: Also (Not talking about rep), the IDs of the real guy and the impersonator do not match. They are not the same account as each account has a unique ID...

7 years ago*

I see

7 years ago

This two games + all my CS GO skins... for Overwatch...

7 years ago

I'll trade you all these games for Overwatch:
Lethal League ($14 on Steam)
Door Kickers (Worth $20 on Steam)
Another World – 20th Anniversary Edition (Worth $10 on Steam)
Reus (Worth $10 on Steam)
Enforcer: Police Crime Action (Worth $20 on Steam)
Dead Island: Epidemic Beta Gift (Worth a lot because you can no longer purchase it on Steam)
So you're getting $74+ dollars worth of games for a $60 game.

7 years ago

added to discuss.

7 years ago

account with 13 games interested?

7 years ago

which overwatch version is it?

7 years ago

hi i have overwatch account im a serious trader what can u offer? :d

7 years ago

i have TheDivision if you are interssting

7 years ago

i have TheDivison Uplay interssting ?

7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago.