For the remainder of the week, I'll be offering this. ONE KEY for Humble Weekly NON-BTA. Note that key must be given first unless you have a considerable amount of rep (100+) as I will be buying these with my personal credit card. Purchases will be made AFTER key has been received.

You will get:
Thomas was Alone
Puzzle Bots
Cave Story+

Personal Note: Dustforce and Cave Story are amazing games!

Also, to clarify, price is non-negotiable. Make a post here, and I'll add you when I'm ready to complete the transaction.

If you want more than one, I can do 3 bundles for 2 keys. Let me know in a comment if this is the case.

1 decade ago*

Interested in cards for that? I had even some game keys. Add me for discuss if u are interested in this stuff.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.