Don't accept any friend invites from some guy named TEN ZNANY:

He took two of my keys promised me a gift of sleeping dogs and after I sent the key immediately signed off and kicked me off his list!

1 decade ago*

He will change his name. find his profile and send a report with proof to steam rep. Also get his steam id (the number he can't change).

1 decade ago

thanks for the info, how do i contact the steam rep and do you know what steam will do about my two stolen games?

1 decade ago

HA HA - I found his steam id. Use that when you report him on steam rep with your proof. Dumbass didn't even change his pic or name after he screwed you. Fatal error.

Go to and click "report a scammer." The guy has burned through one account already (the one linked below). And has VAC bans. The guy seems like a total waste of space. Get him good.

Oh, and Steam will do nothing because you didn't trade in their window. Steam doesn't care about people being scammed because of keys, because they make very little money on key sales. So, don't waste your time with Steam Support. best you can do is get the guy marked on and keep bumping this thread.

1 decade ago

dammit i can recall, overlooking this thread. Thanks for posting these. He took lucius and ibomber...

1 decade ago

activate those keys first of all. He probably is trying to trade them to other people.

1 decade ago

here's a pic of what he did, he showed me the giftable sleeping dogs in a trade window and after i sent the keys first by his request since his was a tradable, did his shady little maneuver. what a waste of humanity, scamming for games. pathetic

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.