topic. Looking to save myself a tiny bit of money, because every cent counts.

9 years ago*

i could do for 3 ref. u won't get it for only 1 ref and i think u know this ;)

9 years ago

The...umm...fatal flaw in that plan that I only have 1 ref atm.

9 years ago

but u have a tf2 key...i could give u 5 ref back ;). if u want, just send me a trade offer

9 years ago
Permalink, that's do I say fund? Like...when you're winning money and spending money to win money, you bank a certain amount so you don't go back down to 0 ever again. Yeah, that key is that. The only reason I would trade it is to turn an immediate profit and buy another key.

I take it you're not interested in cards?

9 years ago

hmm...y don't u sell the cards on the market and buy a key, which u can spend for trading? ;)

9 years ago

because I'm very much not a fan of the fees to use the market. Plus I'm trying to trade the cards as cards as well in other places. Just not here because I can only have two topics.

9 years ago

maybe 3 ref or 1 tod???

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.