Steam link:

Cool-Phil: Hi

Coobie: Hi

Coobie: I was wondering if you would be interested in OMD2?

Coobie: For the DD + DLC key

Cool-Phil: OMD2 complete?

Coobie: normal OMD2

Cool-Phil: Anything else?

Coobie: I don't have anything else except for a couple of dota 2s, but i doubt you are interested in that

Cool-Phil: No, sorry, my priority on this key is FTL: Faster Than Light or Dont Starve

Coobie: hmm

Coobie: Ok let me back to you, i was thinking about buying one of those myself

Coobie: Would you

Coobie: throw in anything else for those?

Cool-Phil: Yes, my keys/gifts Keys:

Dungeon Defenders + All DLC

Time Gentlemen, Please! and Ben There, Dan That!

The Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb DLC Steam Key

The Basement Collection

Offspring Fling

Cave Story+


Serious Sam Classic: First Encounter

Serious Sam Classic: Second Encounter

Coobie: so basically all ur leftover hib 7 keys hmm

Coobie: ok

Coobie: for dont starve you would be willing to give all ur leftover hib 7 keys?

Cool-Phil: I can give all my leftover hib 7 keys for FTL

Coobie: hmmm

Coobie: good offer but i think im going to get don't starve, if you change your mind let me know

Cool-Phil: okay, dont starve is good too

Coobie: alright we have a deal then

Cool-Phil: whats next?

Coobie: keys first, gift second

Coobie: or trade as you want it

Cool-Phil: can i see you inventory?

Coobie: its not viewable?

Cool-Phil: only dota 2 items

Coobie: ok one sec

Coobie: ok see now

Cool-Phil: all right

Cool-Phil: Can i, for example, give you DD + DLC key first, than you give me Dont Starve, and then i give you other keys?

Coobie: All keys first please, standard in trading on steamtrades

Coobie: Are you new to steamtrades?

Cool-Phil: Yes, a year ago I traded here, but then it was gifts only.

Cool-Phil: Okay then, here are my keys - The Basement Collection

  • Offspring Fling
  • Cave Story+
  • The Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb DLC
  • Dungeon Defenders

Coobie: the first one is not for basement collection its for king's bounty

Cool-Phil: oh sorry

Cool-Phil: wait a sec

Cool-Phil: - The Basement Collection

Coobie: ok
Coobie сейчас Не в сети.


1 decade ago*

I got banned for trying to warn others previously. I didn't swear, didn't do anything but post the details. You may wanna remove this.

Got scammed tonite, not able to warn a single person on this site so they can avoid the one who did it, I'm not getting banned again.

1 decade ago

clicky IMG 1 / Clicky IMG 2 / his steamrep

Maybe try to do something over on steamrep? Good luck anyways :)

1 decade ago

Thanks, of course i will report him to steamrep.

1 decade ago

Report him to Steamrep.

I almost traded with him a few days back.

1 decade ago

Closed 6 years ago.