Huntsman is a tradeable gift.

Scribblenauts Unmasked is a tradeable gift.

Dungeon Dashers is a Gift URL.

Please leave offers here.

EDIT: I am not interested in any game that has been in or is from a bundle site. Only interested in Steam games, and generally only ones I don't already have.

Particularly interested in little-known, cheap, random games (that have not been in a bundle site).

1 decade ago*

Is Dungeon Dashers for Steam? I know it just recently got greenlit.

1 decade ago

Sorry for the delay, was watching a movie.

It is indeed for Steam, however, there is a catch. The Gift URL is from the Humble Store and is being sold from the Developers. It provides a DRM-free download (available now) of the development stages. it has already been Greenlit (as you mentioned), but the Developers are waiting for it to hit the Store page. Once that's done, the Humble Store page you get is updated with a Steam key for free (it even says this on the page).

1 decade ago

Im interested in both games, any?

1 decade ago

Not interested in anything from a bundle site. I highly disagree with profiteering from single key codes originating from those.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.