I have...
  • Marvel's Avengers (Sold)
  • Marvel's Avengers Hero Outfits (Black Widow's Sanguine Kiss Outfit, Captain America's Star-Spangled Outfit, Hulk's Unbreakable Outfit, Iron Man's Iron Relic Armor Outfit, Ms. Marvel's Insta-Fab Outfit, Thor's Dwarven Forged Outfit)
I want...

$5 Crypto Currency (BTC, ETH, XRP... or Tether USDT) or CS:GO Item

I have a code for Marvel's Avengers ($60 on Steam) and Hero Outfits Pack for the game (two separate codes). I got them from Intel promo. They can be redeemed through playavengers.com/redeem (you need a Square Enix account) and the site will give you the Steam code.

Base game has been sold, now I'm just selling the Hero Outfits for Marvel's Avengers. You can get the listed outfits for 5$ crypto or CS:GO item.

3 years ago*

I can offer 8tf2 keys, let me know if you are interested. I can also offer 13$ XRP

3 years ago

I can do 18$ XRP, it's really cheap because I give both the game + hero outfits. Let me know if you are interested.

3 years ago

Hey, I don't need the hero outfit, I can only do 13$ XRP or 8 TF2 keys just for the base game

3 years ago

13$ XRP is ok for the base game, added you on Steam to talk.

3 years ago

Closed 3 years ago.