I have...

Civilization: Beyond Earth (amd promo code), not sure if it can be activated on steam

I want...

Feel free to make your offer. 2 keys or 6 dollars on paypal = insta deal

Hey there! I got a key for Civilization: Beyond Earth that came along with my new graphics card, and since I am not a fan of Civilization series I would like to trade it with someone.
I am open for any reasonable offer. I have pretty solid steamtrades reputation but anyway I might be able to go first if you also have good trade reputation.

8 years ago*

I am guessing you don't want any BTA games ?

I have Payday 2 + DLC's , CoH 2 + DLC's and Banished.

8 years ago

I could take a BTA game like rust. Your game offers aren't bad, but I already have payday 2 and I'm really not a fan of strategy games

8 years ago

Sadly those are the only good BTA games I have available atm. Think I have a Rise of the Argonauts as well. And a Nidhogg gift.

8 years ago

Unfortunately I am also not interested in these games, but thanks anyway for ur offer

8 years ago

If it does work on Steam, I could give you 3 keys for it.

8 years ago

unfortunately I don't think there is a way I can guarantee you that it will activate on steam

8 years ago

Hmm... According to this: https://www.amd4u.com/civilizationpromo/files/Civilization-BE-TCs.pdf it looks like it can be turned into a Steam key, but it also looks like there was an expiry date, so I'm not too sure.

8 years ago

this is the 2014 promo pdf. The 2015 one, which my code belongs, is this one: https://www.amd4u.com/amdrewards/files/AMDRewards-TC-R9%20390X-390-Civilization-Beyond-Earth-FINAL.pdf it can be redeemed until february 2016

8 years ago

Hmmm well if you're able to redeem the AMD ID and get a Steam key out of it, let me know, and I'll have 3 keys ready for you!

8 years ago

And if its not Steam and you still have it , I should have the keys in a week xD
Been trying to trade for them , since buying them str8 would just put a trade delay on them :(

8 years ago

If you manage to get the keys I will be happy to trade it with you

8 years ago

Well, I have sent AMD Rewards a ticket asking about civilization beyond earth code working on steam, but I suspect that the answer will come only after the weekend

8 years ago

I was able to confirm that it is a steam key. Are you still interested on this deal?

8 years ago

Sure, I still have keys.

8 years ago

$6 paypal

8 years ago

$6 paypal

8 years ago

As far as I have read the game key you get is for steam, but your code might have expired already.
Here's more info : https://www.amd4u.com/civilizationpromo/files/Civilization-BE-TCs.pdf

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.