HiB #2:
Are you interested in trading for it? RotT is included in the winter achievement, although it's not an easy one to get :) uhm, where exactly do you see RUSH in that list?
Search down for RUSH. Achievement should be today or tomorrow.
Not really interested in coal, just CS:S at the moment or some other game that might pique my interest :)
Edit: I just won CS:S on steamgifts so I'm now just looking for xmas achievement games :D
HiB 2 for Blocks That Matter or Swords and Soldiers HD or Super Meat Boy or Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter
Already have Blocks That Matter, Super Meat Boy and Serious Sam just isn't my thing. I'd be lying if I said Swords & Soldiers didn't look cute, but I've got my heart set on Trine 2.
The Indie Royale bundle? No, I've played those games and I don't like them :(
I have 11 coupons:
Aside from the coupons I also have these
2 Killing Floor Guest Passes
HiB 2 & 3 & 4 (no bonus)
I'm looking to trade ALL of these for Trine 2.
(was previously for CS:S but I just won CS:S on steamgifts O_O)