Here's a list. Feel free to trade above or below their current value or ask for multiple games for your one.



Thomas Was Alone


Awesomenauts Cluck Costume (DLC)

Tiny and Big in Grandpa's Leftovers

English Country Tune

Intrusion 2

Oil Rush



Stealth Bastard Deluxe

Organ Trail: Director's Cut

Frozen Synapse

Broken Sword: Director's Cut



Waking Mars


All of the above come in the form of a STEAM KEY. I'll accept a lot of offers so don't think twice before posting.

I am specifically looking for a few games ATM including Towns and Metro 2033 so both would be on my top priority.

Feel free to hit me up on steam or post here. Enjoy ;)

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.