Hey guys, have lots of PvZ copies. Want 1 key or 2.33 refined for each copy. Add me only if u agree with the offer. My steam -
11 copies left. U can also ask for more copies cuz i buy it in real time.
Day of Defeat: Source + Half Life 1 for 1 PvZ?
Sure, add me.
Hey man I added you, but I'll be online in 2-3 hours. If it's okay for you to keep one copy for that time, that would be great.
Sure mate, just feel free to msg me when u r ready.
the ship complete pack for 3?
nty, dont like this kind of game
why would anyone pay 2.33 when steam offer it for 1.99 on sale?
That's not dollars, that's refined metals :D
oh sorry that makes more sense
Good trader btw, I bought like 7 copies off of him.
ty mate <3
Have 13 copies left.
Still have lots of copies left, want just 2 refined for each copy!
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Hey guys, have lots of PvZ copies. Want 1 key or 2.33 refined for each copy. Add me only if u agree with the offer. My steam -