I have...

The Game Creators Collection

I want...


Hello. I am selling 1 The Game Creators Collection ROW and untradable steam gift for 6 uncommon CS:GO keys. Price is not negotiable and I'm not interested in any other kind of keys or games!!! Please, add me only if you have tradable keys. Sadly, because the copy is not yet tradable, you have to trust me and go first. If you don't trust me, then just don't add me - don't worry, I understand that it's a bit hard to trust someone these days. Thanks a lot for your time.

By Lucky Shot, your friendly and polite trader.

1) Because of the new steam rules, you need to have the steam mobile authenticator enabled for at least 7 days. If not, we won't be able to trade instantly, because we'll have to wait 72 hours till I get the keys. So, if you don't have the steam mobile authenticator enabled for at least 7 days, then don't even add me, because we won't be able to trade.
2) Let's say it once again. The copy is untradable and I won't go first. You have to send me the keys, verify the trade, and then I'll send you the gift. If you don't have the game in your library, then I can gift it directly in your steam account. If you already have the game in your library, then I can only send the gift to your e-mail.
3) I don't want to negotiate anything. I don't want skins, games, other kind of keys, other prices, nothing. I want specifically the amount of the specific kind of keys that I ask for. NOTHING else!

You read everything? You agree to every rule? Nice then! You can now add me. Have a nice day!

8 years ago

Hello. Please read the description again. Especially the part where I say that the price is not negotiable and I'm not interested in any other kind of keys or games. :P

8 years ago

Sorry, dont read it everytime because i send this comment many times and to everybody.
But thx for the fast response anyway

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.