I have...

Important: These are the names which the games had when i purchased them. I don't know if its still the same name today, or if it has been removed from steam.
In case of revoked keys, we will find other games to replace it with since i havn't sold from these for more than a year.

Every time a pack is bought, I will make a new package with 60 games in it. (and other titles). So there will always be 5 packs available to choose from.

Pack 1

10x BoomTown! Deluxe
10x Eron
20x Brave Path
20x BrainyJoy

Pack 2

10x Adam and Eve: The Game
30x Squarism
20x FPS - Fun Puzzle Shooter

Pack 3

30x FreeFly Burning
10x Close the Window!
20 Graveyard Shift

Pack 4

30x Space of Darkness
10x Impale

Pack 5

20x Call of Bitcoin
10x Pony World
10x Bambino Rally 3
10x Chernobyl Terrorist Attack
10x Mighty Gemstones

I want...

im selling them this cheap cuz I don't have much time trading anymore and it will take me way too long to locate them and sell them individually.

resell, redeem them. do whatever with them. I don't care. :-)

3 years ago*

Closed 3 years ago.