
Humble Indie Bundle 3 [Steam Key]

  • Crayon Physics Deluxe
  • Cogs
  • Hammerfight
  • And Yet It Move

Hacker Evolution [Steam Key]

Humble Indie Bundle #2 [Desura Key]

Darwinia, DEFCON, Uplink, and Multiwinia [Desura Key]

Dungeons of Dredmor [Desura Key]

Humble Frozenbyte Bundle [Desura Key]


Star Wars Jedi Knight: Mysteries of The Sith

Blackwell Trilogy KEY

Zeno Clash KEY
Desura Keys

Offers (Cheap games, check my profile, if I dont have it I will most likely be interested in a trade)



I would prefer to trade Steam for Steam codes and Desura for Desura. However can add my Desura keys as sweeteners to Steam trades.

1 decade ago*

beep key, inmomentum key, dawn of fantasy (non steam) key ?

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.