Would prefer something from the list above, otherwise, what do you have to offer?
Interested in King Arthur? - you can add me if so.
Would do it, but it would leave me with less to offer for games I want since I already have an extra KF.
I appreciate the offer, but demand for that game seems very low, and it got terrible reviews. Sorry.
post apocalyptic mayhem (tradeable) for killing floor? (Also have few tf2 stuff.)
Deus Ex HR + mirror's Edge for Borderlands GOTY + SS3 + something (except smnc) ?
A little too stacked in your favor, I'd trade Borderlands GOTY for Deus Ex HR though
Have: (all tradable)
Serious Sam 3:BFE
Borderlands GOTY
Spellforce Universe
Orcs Must Die!
Saints Row 2
Dangerous Waters
Super MNC (x3)
*Thinking about keeping these, just a heads up
Fallout 3 GOTY
Fallout: New Vegas DLC (except courier's/gun runner's)
Binary Domain
Alan Wake
I will consider other good offers.
Please post here before you add me on Steam.