I want to trade these games. Any game key costs 1 TF2 or CS:GO key.


Interstellar Marines(2x)=1 key

Serious Sam Complete Pack=5 key(sold)

Sanctum Collection=2 key

Retro City Rampage=1 key

Crash Time 2=1 key

KEYS(1 key):

Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance

Finding Teddy

Tank Operations: European Campaign(sold)

Rise of Flight( Channel Battles Edition)

Solar Flux

Dark Shadows - Army of Evil


Sparkle 2 EVO

Humanity Asset

Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising


Post Mortem


Dawn of Fantasy: Kingdom Wars

Face Noir

No Time to Explain(sold)

Alien Spidy + 2DLC

Sine Mora

Disciples 3 - Resurrection

DUNGEONS - Steam Special Edition(sold)

Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space

Afterfall Insanity Extended Edition

Disciples III: Renaissance

Tower Wars


Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project

A Walley Without Wind 1+2(sold)

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.