
Hero Siege
Skyward Collapse & Nihon No Mura.


Swapper HIB gift link.
Monaco STEAM gift.

or I have some Steam Wallet cash I could get something from the market to trade.

1 decade ago*

Hi! I have Hero Siege and Skyward Collapse. Is there any chance we can make some sort of a deal for your UnEpic gift?

1 decade ago

I will have to think about it. Did want to use Unepic for myself.

1 decade ago

Ok, no problem, if you consider playing it, I don't want it. I can do another offer. Both, Hero Siege and Skyward Collapse (but I don't have dlc) I can give you for full Puddle set of cards (8) and The Tiny Bang Story gift. Don't worry, I have -90% coupon for the game, so it's 0,5$ - if you agree for offer, I will send it to you to make use of it. What do you say? :)

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.