DONT ADD ME on zombiepetr account

(( if you want, add me here: ))

[H] CS:GO, L4D2, DeadSpace 1 ,2, Torchlight, PuzzleQuest, 4xDota2 [W] tf2 keys, tradable offers

Left 4 Dead 2 - 5 keys

Dead Space 1 - 5 keys

Dead Space 2 - 5 keys

Torchlight - 2 keys

PuzzleQuest - 3 keys

Dota 2 - 1 key

1 decade ago*

2x Dota 2 + Kung Fu Strike - The Warrior's Rise (key), Cortex Command (key), The Ship - Complete (key), Kings Bounty: Legend (key), Knights of Honor (key) for Civ 5.

1 decade ago

have it all

1 decade ago

Metro 2033(tradable) for Civ V?

1 decade ago

if you can add something, then yes

1 decade ago

no. sry. its all i have. good luck

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.