Howdy-hey, everybody! I've got a couple of keys from the Groupees Topware Interactive Bundle, and I'm lookin' for someone who'd like to trade em! Here's the keys I've got:

Earth 2160 (Steam key)

Jagged Alliance 2: Wildfire (Steam key)

I'm looking for games I haven't played yet, possibly Hell Yeah or Poker Night 2,the Hellish Dungeons Bundle at, or some other interesting game .That's all for me, and thanks in advance! =D

NOTE: I check all necessary profiles on SteamTrades and SteamRep before I engage in any trade. Scammers beware.

EDIT: Jagged Alliance 2: Wildfire traded for Dangerous Waters and UFO Afterlight.

EDIT: Earth 2160 traded for Velvet Assassin.

1 decade ago*

Love to see Earth 2160 on my account :)
Checked yours, and I found that you don't have
Defenders of Ardania / Gettysburg: Armored Warfare.
Any interest?

The rest of my stuffs are here

1 decade ago

Sorry, nothing looks interesting. Thanks for the offer, though.

1 decade ago

As silly as this sounds I'm interested in the K&M GoG key. I either misread the time left or the sale ended early. Le sigh. Not sure what would be worth a trade. Maybe a tradable copy of Cubemen for K&M and Earth 2160?

1 decade ago

I'm sorry, I activated my GOG copy of K&M after I bought the bundle :(

1 decade ago

Ahh alright no worries, just thought you had lots of copies ^__^ Cheers!

1 decade ago

I apologize for that, I thought I could give away the Topware codes from the same bundle, but I was told that this was impossible. I changed that part, thanks for letting me know!

1 decade ago

UFO: Afterlight key + Dangerous Waters key for your Jagged Alliance 2: Wildfire (Steam key)?

1 decade ago

Sure, I looked at both games, and they sound interesting. I'm adding you.

1 decade ago

will you be interested in trading your "Earth 2160" for my "velvet assassin"?

1 decade ago

Yeah, I can do that. Adding.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.