As title. Looking for exact. No cheaper pricing here. Thanks.
In denomination of $1, 2, 5, 15, 25

Above may not reflect current status, ask to confirm. I don't often bump this thread but I always have a few bucks on hand.

1 decade ago*

Edit: Didn't realize you were catering to out-of-staters--in which case, good luck! Sounds like a decent deal for non-USA peeps.

Second edit: Might want to copy and paste that explanation for the future!

1 decade ago

right no biggie. I have to answer such questions every time I open an amazon thread.
There are people who ain't in the states and wanna get stuff from amazon, digital stuff, steam stuff etc when there's a promotion or what not. Also sometimes I offer gc in small denominations so it is plenty useful. I am not catering to those people who are in the states and are looking to save money (like offering me $18 for a $25 gc for example). They can do that in stores or not even. Besides I have sold almost 100 bucks of amazon gc so there is a 'market' for it.

1 decade ago

Edited my post!

1 decade ago

still have amazon e-cards ?

1 decade ago

yes in denominations of $15, 5, 2, 1. Let me know how much you are looking for.

1 decade ago

I want 5$ amazon gift card

1 decade ago

Add me

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

Grand Theft Auto IV Complete key for $15?

1 decade ago

?? I only want Paypal

1 decade ago

What does it have to do with Steam? :|

1 decade ago

Digital video games activatable on steam...

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.