
1 decade ago*

Just a bit info for you. IR bundles contain only 1 Desura key for all the games, meaning the games cannot be separated.

1 decade ago

Anything here for your Sea Will Claim Everything/Micron/International Snooker key? And it is a gift, right? If you bought it yourself, then it's linked to a Desura account that you already have when you sign up for Indie Royale?

1 decade ago

He is trading Desura key that includes all the games from the bundle, as I said in the first post. So, no gift I assume.

1 decade ago

Yeah, I know that. What I'm asking is if he knows if the key may be activated already, since Indie Royale automatically makes you a Desura account when you buy from them, and the Desura games are added to your account automatically, making the Desura key somewhat useless. At least, that's what I figure, based on what a Desura mod told me; I'm probably wrong.

1 decade ago

Not exactly. I don't remember if I had to make Desura account when I bought my first IR bundle, but the games are not added automatically to your Desura account, you still need to activate the key, and then you own that bundle.

1 decade ago

Post Mortem?

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.