Thanks for the replies.

1 decade ago*

I'll offer you half that amount in paypal. You might think that's low but no one is going to offer you $20 I feel for dow2 franchise

1 decade ago

Everything above is included in the price along with the DoW II - Complete Pack. I'm not looking for anything less, as I'm not in a hurry, so I'll politely pass, but thanks for your offer.

1 decade ago

Well individually I'll pay $4 for Dow2 + 3 for Dow2 chaos. If you value dawn of war 2 retribution + all the DLC for $13 that's a fair deal.

1 decade ago

Hey again and thanks for your reply! I respect your personal option and what you define the games to be worth. However like I already mentioned I'm either in a hurry or interested in going below my original offer.

I also like to clarify that I am not interested in PayPal payment - PayPal would not be an issue, but same rules occur as if wallet - the games will have to be bought from the steam store (or from another source - as long as the games are steam redeemable), in return for my offer.

If my offer isn't in your interest, then I'll simply wish you a nice day.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.