I have...

Labyrinthine Dreams - 2refs/400gems
Aveyond: Lord of Twilight - 2refs/400gems
Crimzon Clover WORLD IGNITION - 4refs/800gems
Goats On a Bridge - 4refs/800gems
Whisper Of A Rose - 3refs/600gems

Bionic Commando: Rearmed - 4refs/800gems
Resident Evil Revelations - 1.5csgo key (csgo key + sack/tod/capsule key)
Resident Evil 4 - 1.5csgo key (csgo key + sack/tod/capsule key)

I want...


Have Humble Bundle keys. Want keys, tods, sacks, refs, games or offers

8 years ago*

Hi, there! ^^

I'm interested in:

Resident Evil Revelations - 1.5csgo key (csgo key + sack/tod/capsule key)
Resident Evil 4 - 1.5csgo key (csgo key + sack/tod/capsule key)

Please check here:


Or we can do 1 key each

Let me know <3

8 years ago

Not interested in any of those games.
I can do 1.5csgo key for each if you like.

8 years ago

Hi I have 3 ref for Resident Evil Revelations 2 - Episode 1: Penal Colony

8 years ago

I already sold it.
Forgot to update here.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

7 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.