I will buy on demand:

  • Humble Bundle

  • Humble Weekly Bundle

  • Books Bundle

  • Mobile Bundle

  • Flash Bundle

Non-BTA price: 1 TF2/CS:GO/Dota2 key

BTA price: post your offer/ask the price

9 years ago*

From humble bundle store
Dungeon Defenders Collection 1.5 tf2 keys?
added you for discuss.

9 years ago

Half the price I'm going to pay? No, thanks.

9 years ago

1.5 wasn't my final offer due i said for discuss...but 2.5 keys?

9 years ago

We surely can negotiate, your initial offer was just too low, Why would I trade something and get the half of the value that I'm paying for? You can still add me to discuss

9 years ago

5 Keys for the Humble Indie Bundle 12 (with Prison Architect)

9 years ago

I can make it for 6 keys, if you are still interested.

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.