I have...

5x non-Hydra CS:GO keys (Wildfire and Gamma2)
case key csgo keys cs:go case keys

I want...

or use my Humble referral link

Each key is 1,80€ 1,75€.
Add me for fast trade.

As for paypal:

  • have a verified account
  • payment is send via Family & Friends
  • I am from Europe. You cover fees, if any.
5 years ago*

Are you saying you'll give someone 5 keys to use your Humble referral link?
If so, I'd happily do it.

5 years ago

If you are able to do it 5 times, then yes, I will give you my 5 keys :)

5 years ago

Maybe clarify what you're offering for that in the post next time?

5 years ago

Maybe don't ask ludicrous and obvious questions.
Thanks for the bumb and have a nice day ^^

5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago.