I have...

Key or GiftLink:

GOD EATER 2: Rage Burst

Small Games and Removed Games:

Asteroid Bounty Hunter
AuroraRL (Removed App)
Charlie's Adventure
Cubium Dreams (Removed App)
Dispatcher (Removed App)
Duke of Alpha Centauri
Fly and Destroy
Hungry Flame
Marco Polo
Neon Space 2
Overcast - Walden and the Werewolf
Red Risk
Reptilians Must Die! (Removed App)
Survive in Space
Upside Down

I want...

5 USD Steam gift or paypal for everything above, this is a second thread because I traded most of what I wanted.

I got pretty much all the games I wanted and it feels kinda bad hoarding these keys forever, so I wanted to see if anyone wanted the whole pack for 5 bucks of steam credit or paypal.

This is the trade Thread: https://www.steamtrades.com/trade/8Zbb2/h-god-eater-2-removed-games-w-offers-wishlist-paypal

4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago.