Left 4 Dead 2 = 1 TF2 keys for opening a four pack
packs left: 7
packs opened: 1

The procedure is very simple:

  1. I give you Left 4 Dead 2 4-pack for 6 TF2 keys
  2. You open it and return to me 3 gifts for 5 TF2 keys

To be able to open a 4-pack the following conditions should be met:

  1. You do not already have a game
  2. You account should be in a good standing for 30 days

Feel free to contact me!

P.S. I accept either keys or valuable gifts as collateral. So, I DO NOT accept items or bundle games.

9 years ago*

I will do it add me

9 years ago

add me please if you are still interested

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.