I have...

Saints Row

I want...


I am trading an AMD Rewards Account that includes the games for:

1x Saints Row (PC) through Epic Games Launcher Activation (Release Date: 2022-08-23).
1x Forspoken (PC) through Steam Launcher Activation (Release Date: 2023-01-24).

Games cannot be separately traded as both are tied to the same account.

Wanting: $50.00 - through paypal (not interested in game trades please).

I have already validated the account with an AMD hardware (it was an AMD RX 6600 XT GPU). So you do not need an AMD hardware to get these games added to your Epic Games / Steam account.

After payment, I will send you the throwaway Gmail Account + AMD Rewards Account Info that are linked together with their password.
In the Gmail, you will see an email that gives instructions on how to activate & add the games into your Epic Games/Steam account.

1 year ago*

Closed 1 year ago.