I have...

Pricing Info: for games that are in a currently active bundle, I use the bundle split price. For example, if there's a game that's currently in a Humble Bundle tier 1, and there's 4 games total for tier 1, then the price for that game is $1/4 = 25 cents. For games that are not in a currently active bundle, I go with the lowest Steam-DRM sale price as seen on: isthereanydeal.com or a cheaper price if

Games in currently active bundles:

Games from expired bundles:

Game Price
Bionic Commando Rearmed $0.30
Resident Evil Revelations 2 - Episode 1: Penal Colony $0.30
Bulb Boy $1.18
1001 Spikes $0.33
Snakebird $0.33
Mushroom 11 $1.50
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare $1.00
GRAV (Early Access) $0.50
Ultimate General Gettysburg $0.30
Pix the Cat $0.75
Rayman® Origins (UPlay) Offer
I want...

Paypal > Keys (1 key = ~$2)
Wishlist games:https://steamcommunity.com/id/uptional/wishlist/
If I am interested in something on a list you give me but the price doesn't seem to match up to what you want (uneven trade) I will add extra money via paypal if needed (or vis versa)

7 years ago*

is bioshock a steam gift?

7 years ago

Ah forgot to add info about that, it's a HB Gift Link (or just key if you want)

7 years ago

Something for Bulb Boy and Bioshock Infinite?

7 years ago

Nothing for Bioshock Inf.
For Bulb Boy I'm only interested in "The Book of Unwritten Tales Digital Deluxe Edition"
Otherwise, thx for the comment!

7 years ago

Bumpity Bump

7 years ago

Anything vs Bulb Boy?

7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago.