I have...

TF2 key

I want...

My 1 tf2 key for Steam Awards worth your 27k points, (I'll get 9k points).
My 70 gems for steam awards worth 300 of your points.

Non negotiable.

3 years ago*

Are you still looking?
Haven't done this before, so I'm not sure how much work that is ^^

Feel free to add me to talk.

3 years ago

Added you :D

3 years ago

just an information: people CAN'T give the same reward several times

3 years ago

and more.. these awards can be revoked

3 years ago

Ooh, Thanks for the info. I did not know about the revoking part.

True the same award can't be given multiple times, but I think same award can be given to different parts of the profile, like the profile itself, then the screenshot, review, artwork etc. Albeit yeah I don't possibly have 90 stuff up that can be awarded haha. So thats why I wrote the 9k total part.

I appreciate you providing the info though, thanks!

3 years ago

Closed 3 years ago.