I'm looking for Supreme Commander 2 + DLC since everyone keeps saying how great this game is.

I can offer you Torchlight or HIB 3 or HIB 4 or HIB Introversion for it. If both are keys, you will have to go first.

Bear in mind Amazon is now having a Square Enix sale where it's only $7.50 for this togther with things like JC2, Lara Croft etc.

1 decade ago*

got something else to offer?

1 decade ago

Not really... What do you want?

1 decade ago

SKYRIM. would really like to get the Ghost Recon Complete pack...

but those are... just distant wishes. xD

i'm not really interested in the indie bundles or in torchlight. well, if you don't really have anything else, thanks anyway and good luck :)

1 decade ago

Ok, thanks for your reply though.

1 decade ago

I mean, if I were to trade something else for this, I may as well wait for the inevitable cheap sale and grab it for a few bucks like it was before.

I'm not in a hurry to play this. I just like RTS games in general.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.