Trading these games for said prices below. If you accept the price feel free to add me right away. If you are offering less I might consider depending, but please just pm or post here.

I will accept bud/ bill offers for combined/equal/me adding a few keys.

Alan Wake x4 - 6 keys each
Alan Wake Collecters Edition - 7 keys
Arma 2: PMC - 6 keys
Assassins Creed: Revelation Gold Edition - 16 keys each
Batman Franchise - 26 keys
Blades of Time - 10 keys
Blades of time Limited Edition - 12 keys
Civilzation 5 x2 - 9 keys each
Civliazation 5 GOTY x3 - 12 keys each
Costume Quest - 5 keys
Crysis - 7 keys
CS:GO(Pre-order) x2 - 10 keys+1 ref
Dead Space 2 - 5 keys each
Demigod - 4 keys
Dungeon Defenders Collection - 18 keys
Fable 3 Collection - 16 keys
Gotham City Imposters - 6 keys
Grand Theft Auto Complete x2 - 14 keys each
L.A. Noir - 5 keys
L.A. Noire Complete - 8 keys
Ravaged Full Game(Key) x3 - 12 keys+ 1 ref each
Saints row The Third Franchise x2 - 16 keys each
Skyrim - 26 keys
The Darkness 2 - 12 keys
Warhammer 40k: Space Marines x2 - 7 keys each

1 decade ago*

Awesomenauts 6 keys only add me if u want to trade

1 decade ago

hi again me how about 3 keys + 2 ref for dead space 1

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.