i have dead space 2 and sniper ghost warrior GOLD edition and arma COLD war assault if u want for some game ^^ add me to steam if u are interese am z21 i have image of BF3 :D
arma2oa + eve online: crucible + cod4 mw + race07 + portal for mw3?
add if interested
Deus ex Human revolution, or magicka collection (include magicka and all dlc) for CoD MW2?
I can offer:
Rift + Multiwinia + -25% Valve + -50% Terraria
Citiex XL 2011 + Multiwinia + -25% Valve + -50% Terraria
For MW3
I give you dungeon of dremors+ 2x super mnc+ plants vs zombies+vvvvvv+Fortix2 + toki tori?
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 for Fallout 3 and + 1 more any game from my stock
World of Goo, Anomaly: Warzone Earth, Edge: Extended, and Toki Tori for RAGE?