Don't ask. Just don't. But I want the game.

Trading it for a trade-able/gift-able copy of Magicka, viewable in my inventory. You can only see if it you're logged in.


1 decade ago*

What the hell ? Why do you want that game @@

1 decade ago

"Don't ask."

Amazingly, that still applies. But since you asked, because I want to prove a point to someone. :P

1 decade ago

thejadefalcon's follower. Hope you success with your 48 hours challenge.

1 decade ago

Haha, that is a side objective. My point is to prove to one of my school friends that I can finish a "terrible horrifying game" without going insane.

1 decade ago

Hope that's your gf :))

1 decade ago

LOL, I wish...

1 decade ago

"terrible horrifying game" i have bad rats =P

1 decade ago

Well, my friend named this game in particular... :P

1 decade ago

Good luck with that, see if you can beat jade, aim for 72 hours (or maybe the same amount of gameplay in a shorter amount of time). Try not to go insane :)

1 decade ago

I can't marathon it - I have school to go to!

But thanks. :P

1 decade ago

I have school, too, but remember there's always summer :)

1 decade ago

Do you have anything more to trade? The whole collection was 5$ last week so it doesn't seem like much of a deal for me to blow 5$ on this for only Magicka.

1 decade ago

Unfortunately, no. Magicka itself is $9.99, however, so I figured it would be a more than adequate exchange.

1 decade ago

The problem with that game is that it's been on sale so much lately that it has lost much of it's trade value.

It goes against my better judgement but since I will be inflicting torture on you in exchange, I'll do the trade. (I feel like I'm being both nice and evil by doing this...) I added you on Steam, will be home later today to do the trade.

1 decade ago

It's mostly nice, I think. If I lose my sanity, it'll be all my fault and evil at all. :)

1 decade ago

Is this a joke????

Goddamn it, someone wanted to gift me this as a prank last Christmas and I threatened to remove and block him.

1 decade ago

This is not a joke. Like I said, I actually want it.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.